Tag Archives: relationships

When Women Are Too Much in Love

There is one good old axiom originated from the Greek philosophy which sounds like “nothing too much” and can be applied to different spheres of life, love and relations included. When it is too good it can easily turn out bad. In relations, like in any other system, there is a principle of conservation of energy which means a constant pursuit of balance. “Too much” of any kind is bad because it leads the system out of balance.

For example, some girls do not distinguish between the form and content. They think that to love is to show their affection in all possible ways. These girls call there partners all possible tender names, use “I love you” like an interjection when there is a necessity to fill in the pause in the conversation. They hug their men too often, show their feelings too openly. Of all the other sits they prefer their men’s knees. You can catch them drawing the hearts with their fingers on the men’s foreheads or sending sms every five minutes to remind of their feelings. The unprepared man can run away scared seeing such passion. The prepared one can get extremely annoyed and run away as well. So, to avoid this sad result, use the rule of “three to one” – allow yourself one sign of attention for every three signs from a man. It will keep him interested and save some mystery in your relations.

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Egoism Or Protection of Personal Space?

When the people start talking about their personal psychological boundaries they are likely to be misunderstood. Many a man can’t actually make a difference between protection of the private space and a mere egoism. There is a good feature of a human soul that is called sympathy. When we sympathize the other people we want to be as much helpful as possible. We want to help the other people when something unpleasant happens in their life. But the main question is that their life is not actually yours one. When we forget this we are likely to have our personal space violated. Each time someone is moaning at the phone ask yourself the following questions.

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